Cedric X. Bryant, Ph.D., FACSM, leads ACE with a focus on science-backed education to support health and exercise professionals, utilizing emerging fitness technology, championing inclusivity and diversity, and sharing quality information to help all people develop long-term healthy habits and keep people moving.
Bryant represents ACE as a national and international lecturer, writer and expert source. He has written more than 300 articles or columns in fitness trade magazines, as well sports medicine and exercise science journals, and authored, co-authored or edited 30 books. Bryant can often be found as an authoritative resource for physical activity, fitness and nutrition articles in a variety of respected national outlets including:
USA Today
Washington Post
The New York Times
Wall Street Journal
Reader’s Digest
Consumer Reports
Fox News
CNN Headline News
Thanks to Bryant’s academic background and his experience with the research, development and design of commercial and consumer exercise equipment, he has extensive knowledge on the practical application of exercise science and how to protect users against unsafe and ineffective fitness products and instruction.
As a community leader, Bryant shares his knowledge of exercise physiology and athletics as a youth sports coach in baseball, basketball and soccer.
Specialties: Exercise Physiology, Public Health, Biomechanics
As Chief Executive Officer & President, Cedric X. Bryant, Ph.D., FACSM, leads ACE with a focus on science-backed education to support health and exercise professionals, utilizing emerging fitness technology, championing inclusivity and diversity, and sharing quality information to help all people develop long-term healthy habits and keep people moving.
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